1-2-3-4!! I love Marine Corps!!

How we doing Hard-Chargers!!

Just wanna give a quick shout out to the U.S. Marines who gave there all in order to pave the way for us younger Marines.

You gentlemen were some hard chargers and I greatly appreciate the sacrifice for not only my country but also for yourselves.

Thank you for everything that you did, you showed a great amount of perseverance as well as heroism, you looked the enemy directly in the eyes.

Howard Osterkamp of Dent, commander of Chapter 3620 and a Korean War veteran said. “All Gave Some, Some Gave All” we send blessings to you from near and afar, may you all rest in paradise and know that your hard work will never be forgotten.

** Semper Fidelis

** United States Marine Corps

You hard work will never be forgotten, thank you for standing and defending our country.

Isaac J. Hall II


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